
Introduction to Active Transportation and Safe Systems Integration


$150 Enroll

Full course description

ON-DEMAND, Available anytime.

This course is designed to give transportation professionals and those interested in learning more about active transportation planning and design a background in the best practices, legal and policy framework, and basic considerations that planners and engineers need to consider when planning active transportation networks and improvements. The course will also include an introduction to the Federal Highway Administration’s Safe System Approach, which is based on an international best practice to reduce the risk of harm for all road users through a multifaceted and proactive approach to design, operations, response, and education.

Intended Audience:

The intended audience for this course is for people who have some background and interest in transportation, but with limited exposure to active transportation planning or safety.


On completion of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand why communities plan for active transportation
  • Understand the legal requirements and guidance from local, state, and federal agencies related to active transportation
  • Describe core active transportation planning principles
  • Apply basic Complete Streets principles to a design
  • Incorporate active transportation analysis and design components
  • Understand the state of transportation safety
  • Describe principles and elements of The Safe System Approach

Course Authors:

Chris Breiland, PE

Chris Breland

Chris Breiland, PE is a Transportation Engineer and Planner with Fehr & Peers and has led more than 20 multimodal transportation plans, safety plans, and corridor studies with communities across the country. Chris is known for his ability to use innovative data, analysis methods, and simple visualizations to explain complex transportation planning issues and bring various stakeholders together around solutions to improve safety, mobility, and access.

Steven Goodsell

Steven Goodsell

Steven Goodsell is a Transportation Engineer and Planner with Fehr & Peers with experience working on a variety of transportation projects in the Puget Sound region including comprehensive plans and safety analyses. Steven prides himself in using technical analysis to support planning efforts that improve the quality of life for all users.

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